Freezing My Fun Buns Off!

Greetings from Cleveland, Ohio!. Brrrr! Although it's been hard to stay warm with the mercury hovering around 7 degrees all week long, I've been enjoying my first week of vacation. I've been catching up on The Daily Show as well as writing. My first essay of my two-month break is up at my Word Press site "The Fun Dude Abides." 

Don't forget to follow me on Twitter and Facebook as well. Here's a recent post I made about Jay Leno's last "Tonight Show"...

"I'm watching Jay Leno's last show online right now. In December of 1987, two months after embarking on my career as a professional touring comedian, I asked a security guard at the old Front Row Theater in Highland Heights, Ohio, if Jay would be willing to meet with me between shows. Ten minutes later, after Jay had changed out of his suit into a denim shirt and jeans, I was ushered into the greenroom. Jay put me at ease immediately by offering me a slice of pizza and a Pepsi. He asked me how long I had been doing comedy, gave me some words of encouragement, and, amazingly, treated me like a "fellow comic" until he had to say goodbye and receive some other guests. Because of Jay's kindness 26 years ago, I've made a point to "pay it forward" by always making time for superstar comedians such as Jerry Seinfeld and Chris Rock who come backstage to meet me." 

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